Understanding how to respond in the face of uncertainty requires foresight…
Our work enables our clients to gain critical strategic insight and make robust decisions despite the complexity, uncertainty and turbulence of their environments. By anticipating the future effectively, clients can reduce risk and capture opportunities in ways they couldn’t before.
Effective strategic foresight builds an incisive understanding of the nature of future change and its impact on actionable decisions today.
Effective foresight is both science and art. It is a deep tool kit of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and a breadth of experience in application to discern the signal from the noise and capture the nuance within complexity. We have over thirty years as strategic futures consultants serving both companies and governments around the world.
Why work with us?
In these ever more turbulent times, uncertainty blurs the impacts of change on the future. Traditional strategic and policy tools cannot sufficiently take into account these uncertainties, but scenario foresight exercises - when properly designed and fit for purpose - can do exactly that. Foresight underpins sound and actionable decision making in uncertain times.
What we do

Future thinking is only useful if it enhances decision making.
Our clients are typically facing an environment of upheaval or significant change in their industry or working context.
We help clients with:
Align diverse stakeholders around complex issues and shared narratives.
Future Risk
Identify game-changing threats / risks
Translate future thinking into strategic advantage and/or policy response
Identify game-changing opportunities and innovations